Thursday, March 24, 2011

Easy Fixes for Facial Flaws For Men

Problem: Uneven shave
Home Remedy: A good scrub
An exfoliating face wash is great for your skin, and you can use it to prep your beard for a closer shave. "Move your fingers in a circular, upward motion to make your beard stand up," says grooming expert Pirooz Sarshar. Do that for 3 minutes, then rinse and shave.
From the Store: Need a new face wash? We like Gillette Fusion ProSeries Thermal Face Scrub. $7,
Problem: Chapped lips
Home Remedy: Water + vitamins
Scaly smackers may signal dehydration—or worse, a vitamin deficiency, saysMen's Health medical columnist Travis Stork, M.D. Eat healthy, vitamin-rich foods and drink plenty of fluids over the next few days, and avoid licking your lips, he suggests.
From the Store: Follow up with petroleum jelly or a balm that has natural ingredients. A good one is Jack Black's Therapy Lip Balm SPF 25 with Vanilla and Lavender, which contains shea butter and avocado oil. $7,
Problem: Problem acne
Home Remedy: Less sugar
When you eat sweets and carbs with high glycemic loads, your skin produces more sebum (the stuff that creates blackheads), says dermatologist Ariel Ostad, M.D. This can make dead skin cells stick together, clogging your pores and causing acne.
From the Store: If you're prone to zits, help keep your skin clear with a 2 percent salicylic acid face wash, like Bliss No Zit Sherlock Purifying Cleanser and Toner. The acid removes oils and opens pores. $22,
Problem: Shiny skin
Home Remedy: Reduced stress
Ever notice that your face feels fried after your boss chews you out? Well, stress can trigger oil production. "This is a protective action by the skin to increase its function as a barrier against pathogens," says nutritional biochemist Shawn M. Talbott, Ph.D.
From the Store: When stress can't be avoided, don't let them see you shine. Try the cooling Anti-Shine Refresher matifying gel from Shiseido Men. $35,
Problem: Yellow teeth
Home Remedy: Crunchy fruits and vegetables
"Chewing apples, celery, raw carrots, broccoli, and other crunchy produce creates a natural scrubbing action," says Jennifer Jablow, D.D.S., a dentist in New York City. Apples also contain malic acid, which removes the film that forms on teeth.
From the Store: Amp up the effects of your good snacking with a blast from an at-home whitening kit, like Supersmile's Professional Whitening Toothpaste and Professional Activating Rods. $21, $50;
Problem: Deep wrinkles
Home Remedy: 8 hours of sleep
Missing as little as an hour or two of shuteye a night will lead to an increased production of the hormone cortisol, says Talbott. "In turn, that will lead to a breakdown of collagen, the primary structural protein in skin," he says. Translation: wrinkles.
From the Store: Enhance the skin benefits of your snooze by applying a rich moisturizer, like Kiehl's Soothing Nourishing Face Cream for Men. $17,


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